Rajneesh Jain
Founder, MECULS
Leadership Development, Unlocking Potential, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Change Management, Consciousness Reading
Training, Counselling, Workshops, Talks
For - students, youth, adults, parents, teachers, corporates
Passionate about sharing knowledge
Rajneesh's 14 years+ experience in coaching and learning & development space spun out of his vision to deeply simplify a way out to outgrow complexities of mind and with ease develop inclusive impact skill set and attitude for self and ecosystem.
His self-research led him to discover the intersection point of the mind's (conscious and unconscious) psychology, logic, and spirituality.
He achieved a breakthrough in inventing the first ever 360 degrees analytical coaching & training program that unlocks the potential to outgrow conflicts blocking leadership and inclusive growth approach and operate from the limitless space of mindful open-mindedness.
He developed a profound understanding of the merits and pitfalls attached to the mind's organic and inorganic growth play to create empowering/ disempowering culture, governance, growth, and creative environment.
Through his pioneering work in fully understanding the mind's complexity, totally simplifying its explanation, asking root questions, and sharing sharp insights, he helps:
CXOs, executives, organizations, and people go beyond barriers, enabling transformation including cultural, through coaching and training on outgrowing conflict & crises, unlocking the mind's potential, focus, collaborative productivity, and decisive leadership.
He holds deep expertise in the people and organization domain in creating and implementing solutions frameworks to drive beyond mindset and behavior approaches to improve impact through:
driving large scale change management through Agile mind adoption
leadership development, executive coaching & training, and talent unlocking
cultural & performance transformation enabling cost optimization, and inclusive collaborative growth environment allowing pie-size increase instead of pie share increase
He enables people, executives, and organizations to gain speed through helping them quickly understand the impact of mind complexities in creating ecosystem complexities, opportunities hidden within these complexities, resolving these complexities, and unlocking the opportunities.
Qualifications | Certification
Six-week certification course on Leadership & Ethics from Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, Boston, USA | 2018
MBA (IB), UBS, Panjab University, Chandigarh | 1999
B.Com (H), Delhi University | 1997